Hi Everyone,
If you live or work in a developing country and you are looking for innovative, low cost ways to improve lives and help others generate income for themselves, Practical Action is a fabulous organization. I came across this video which gives a good overview of who they are and what they are about. Theur website also offers a wealth of resources from free reading materials to tutorials on for example How To make Candles, or How To Make Fruit Candy. This information can be shared with one person or many. Either way, you can make a difference in someone's life.
The video below demonstrates their work in action around the world, including Zimbabwe. Simple solutions, from micro-hydro power in Kenya to flood-protection in Nepal, and smoke hoods to reduce indoor air pollution. They also have Spanish-language videos at http://es.youtube.com/user/ITDGPeru, and Practical Answers videos on using technology to reduce poverty at